All about the fridge; mid-march anticipations = Newsletter #3 _ premier previews plus puns

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The mail version of my newsletter because it’s raining and I don’t want to type twice! HA!

Dear All! (this is the first pun but you need to speak german, so I’m going to explain which is shit for the pun and good for you: “all” is “all” and “universe” in German. But is it a pun? I don’t know.)


We (David Finscher and I) spend a lot of our time hunched on top, squeezed inside, or, most importantly, trying to be very funny next to our fridge. His name is Frank, Kühlfrank. That’s another pun that only works in German.
By the way, I’m only doing the puns to prepare you for our upcoming show.

It will be called “Im Kühlschrank brennt noch Licht” (there’s still a light on in the fridge) and will premier on the 14th April at 8pm at Fitz Stuttgart.

The play will probably be in colour, we just didn’t have the right costumes yet.

I’m terribly excited and very happy that we’re actually going to do this and that we’re also funded by Stuttgart City Council and the county’s art fund.

this is a picture of us posing for my camera using the timer, it was quite annoying


There is a second new production to be announced!
I’m honoured, I really am, to be part of “le marchand – der Kaufmann – leebda“, a collaboration of Theater Prekariat Stuttgart, Germany, Thêàtre Soleil Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, bringing together professional and non-professional artists from both countries (and more, actually) for a project dealing with the topic of trade. We will discuss bodies as objects being capitalised and the history and current situation of trade between European and African countries.

The first part of experimentation and rehearsals will take place in Stuttgart in April and May where we will present our findings in a try out like show on 7th May, plus 8th and 9th, at St Maria Kirche in Stuttgart-Mitte.
Incredibly, we have been granted support to go to Burkina Faso in September to be working on the final version of the piece that will premier at the end of the month.
Both presentations will include the team actors*actresses and also non-professionals from Stuttgart or, respectively, Ouagadougou.

we’re off to Moers Jazz Festival!

with an installation / performance / walk act called “action potential over shoot” that will look a little bit like this:

only that it will be about 2 million times bigger and spread across the festival, and inflated and moving and making sound…

Keep up with my instagram especially if you get the feeling that my website is a littly sleepy…
See you soon, you all!

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